Title: iPad 2018 6th Generation Battery Issues: Exploring the Problem and Possible Solution

Released in 2018, the 6th generation iPad quickly became a popular choice among consumers due to its powerful features and affordable price point. However, as with any electronic device, some users have reported encountering battery-related problems with their iPad 6th generation. In this article, we will delve into the battery issues faced by some iPad 2018 owners, their potential causes, and provide insights into possible solutions.

The Battery Issue:

Several users have reported experiencing battery-related problems on their iPad 6th generation devices. The most common complaint revolves around rapid battery drain and reduced battery life. Some users have noticed that their iPads discharge quickly even when not in use or when performing simple tasks such as web browsing or watching videos.

Potential Causes:

1. Software Bugs: In some cases, battery issues can be attributed to software bugs or glitches within the operating system. Apple regularly releases software updates to address such issues, so it is recommended to ensure your iPad is running the latest available version of iOS.

2. Background Processes and Apps: Background processes and resource-intensive applications can significantly impact battery life. Certain apps running in the background may consume excessive power, leading to rapid battery drain. It is advisable to check the battery usage statistics in the Settings app and identify any apps that are consuming an unusually high amount of power.

3. Battery Health and Degradation: Over time, batteries can degrade, leading to reduced capacity and shorter battery life. If you have been using your iPad 6th generation for a considerable period, it is possible that the battery health has deteriorated. To check the battery health, navigate to Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If the Maximum Capacity is significantly below 100%, it may indicate battery degradation.

Possible Solutions:

1. Software Updates: Always keep your iPad's software up to date by installing the latest iOS updates released by Apple. These updates often contain bug fixes and performance improvements that can help alleviate battery-related issues.

2. Background App Refresh: Disable the background refresh feature for apps that are not essential. This will prevent them from consuming unnecessary power in the background and can contribute to improving battery life.

3. Battery Optimization: iOS offers a built-in battery optimization feature that intelligently manages power consumption. Enable this feature by going to Settings > Battery > Battery Optimization. It will optimize your iPad's performance based on your usage patterns and extend battery life.

4. Reset Settings: Performing a reset of all settings on your iPad can help resolve any configuration-related issues that might be causing battery problems. This can be done by going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings. Note that this action will not delete any data but will reset all settings to their default values.

5. Battery Replacement: If the battery health of your iPad 6th generation is significantly degraded, you may consider replacing the battery. Reach out to an authorized Apple service provider to get the battery replaced by a professional.


While the iPad 2018 6th generation has proven to be a reliable device for many users, battery issues have been reported by some owners. By following the solutions outlined above, you can potentially address these problems and improve the battery life of your iPad. If the issues persist, it is recommended to contact Apple Support or visit an authorized service center for further assistance.


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