iPad 2018 6th Generation Battery Issues: Exploring Battery Drain After Use of Apple Pencil and Similar Gadgets
In addition to the general battery issues faced by some users of the iPad 2018 6th generation, there have been reports of battery draining problems specifically after using accessories like the Apple Pencil. This article aims to shed light on the potential causes behind this issue and provide suggestions to mitigate the battery drain associated with using such gadgets. The Battery Drain Issue: Some iPad 6th generation owners have noticed that their device's battery drains rapidly after using accessories like the Apple Pencil or other similar gadgets. This unexpected battery drainage can be frustrating, especially for users who rely heavily on these accessories for their work or creative endeendeavours Potential Causes: 1. Bluetooth Connectivity: Accessories like the Apple Pencil rely on Bluetooth connectivity to establish a connection with the iPad. Constantly maintaining this connection can contribute to increased power consumption, leading to accelerated battery drain. 2. Active ...